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Prayer van is a concept that was dropped into my heart and inspired by the Holy Spirit in January 2017 after a month of praying for the lost and homeless.

We have a van which we drive to different locations in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Logan locations as the Lord leads.  We carry hot and cold food, drinks and clothing where available.  Our team love on the people we reach out to and are available to pray and share about the love of Jesus.  

Our prayer is that those who we meet may encounter God in a powerful and lifechanging way, have their hope restored, experience faith in Jesus Christ and to know that the love of God is real.  

How this website helps

Being out in the van doesn't always give us enough time to address the many issues that different people are plagued with, so we have built this website for people to access material that will help them work through and overcome the many challenges that have crippled them at different stages of their lives. 

It's time to be FREE, so let's deal with those issues and attacks right now!

Here is a list of topics we will be addressing: 

  • Personal Deliverance - A MUST FOR EVERYONE
  • Basic Spiritual Warfare
  • Healing from fear and emotional pain
  • Breaking generational curses
  • Dealing with Anger
  • Court of Final Appeals
  • The power of covenants with God
  • How to know your calling
  • Becoming an agent of change


Is life full of turmoil and you feel like you're being attacked from all sides?   

Maybe you don't know God and want to, but something keeps stopping you from breaking through or progressing.

Maybe you've been involved in the occult or some serious demonic activity and you don't know how to break free.  No matter what it is you've suffered, this website will help you break through all the demonic torment and activity in your life and bring you to a place of peace, protection and purpose with God.

 Are you a Christian under attack?                                                                     

Maybe you are a Christian but you're sick and tired of continual spiritual warfare and it seems like problems continually come one after another and sometimes a whole bunch all at once?

Does it seem like your cries for help don't get answered and you find yourself wondering: "What is the use of continuing the fight? Nothing improves. I might as well just give up and let happen what is going to happen." or, "Does God even care anymore? Why are so many other people getting their miracle or breakthrough but I never do? 

Maybe you attend a church where the leadership never teaches anything about spiritual warfare, does not even believe in the reality or necessity of spiritual warfare, and has no answers for you when your life seems to consist of one problem after another. 

I'm not a theologian but I have researched and studied enough to know that this is incredible life application material and is definitely relevant to us, the world we live in and the people we may find ourselves ministering too.

A lot of this material is not taught in churches and unfortunately there is little teaching on spiritual warfare these days at all.  Some churches don’t even believe in the reality or necessity of spiritual warfare and therefore they have no answers for you when your life seems to consist of one problem after another.  This material helped me a great deal and I know it will help you also.


Everything I am teaching you can apply directly to your life and those who you may minister to in the future and I will be using some examples from my own life, case histories from other people’s lives and examples given through Rebecca Brown’s experiences with people she’s worked with and which is where most of this material comes from.  

Rebecca Brown is a bond servant of Christ who is totally sold out to serving Jesus and sharing her teachings on spiritual warfare and deliverance all around the world.  She is a doctor from USA but her education was in medicine and her practice was in internal medicine.  In 1980 God spoke to Rebecca and asked her to enter into a binding covenant with Him, giving Him permission to use her in any way He chose as an instrument directly against satan and his kingdom.   Ever since then she has been in unrelenting spiritual warfare and that’s how she has learned these lessons that are being shared with you.  The Lord told Rebecca that much suffering would be involved, but if she accepted this covenant, that He would grant her the privilege of coming to know Him personally in a way she never would otherwise. 
Rebecca chose to enter into the covenant with God, thereby changing her life forever.  Rebecca Brown is an absolute expert in this field and I encourage you to view her website for other material that I know will help you grow in the Lord.

He came to set the Captives Free audio book - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN


IMPORTANT:  If you have any questions or need prayer please don't hesitate to email us at


We would love to hear from you so if you have a letter of testimony please email us 

or phone Emmanuel on 0416 88 95 99 AUSTRALIA.